Technical Terms In Lead Generation Should Not Be Tossed Lightly


It is one of the most basic rules in marketing but many businesses and salespeople still forget it. Your lead generation campaign should not toss technical terms too lightly. For starters, it shows that you have forgotten about how your prospects are not always within the same industry. Secondly, you also forget that such terms also have a broad definition even from the perspective of fellow IT professionals.

It Gives Appointing Setting A Bad Start

Lead Generation, Accounting Lead Generation, Appointment SettingOne example is use of the term ‘big data’. You have already heard the term tossed about numerous times regarding how it is revolutionizing business software. On the other hand, a quick search will reveal that this technology has applications beyond just business.

If you do not cease tossing the term lightly and start specifying, you will eventually make fewer sales leads than you should.

For example, suppose you are an accounting software vendor and your marketing materials contain keywords like ‘big data analytics’ in the hopes that it will express just how much information you can help manage. But from the perspective of the customer, the term just makes no sense. In the worst case, it is not even applicable given that large amounts of data are more likely a problem for enterprises and not necessarily smaller businesses. Do not wait for your salespeople to clarify just exactly what you mean because it could waste valuable time during the client meeting!

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If you want to know just how broad the application of big data can be, read this brief passage from VentureBeat:

‘Big data’ isn’t just an enterprise trend. It’s a technological innovation that is already making a difference in your life.

Police are mixing crime data and sociological information to anticipate incidences of crime. A small cadre of scientists in Silicon Valley is harnessing genetics data to detect early signs of disease. For business owners and harried IT executives, it’s easy feel overwhelmed with the flood of so-called big data options on the market. That is, if you buy into the trend at all.”

The article alone only focuses on other businesses applying it in their own way. If you think that a big data feature gives you an advantage, do not just slap it on without briefly explaining how so (not to mention, it is also another way to distinguish your brand). Your accounting lead generation strategy should learn how to put that word strategically within the context of accounting processes.

A couple examples could be:

  • Actual applications – Use a visual illustration that shows how far this so-called big data feature expands the coverage of your accounting software’s capabilities.

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  • Real results – If your software has actually brought in the results you have promised then it is only reasonable for you to show them. This gives prospects the impression that what you have works for real.

The difficult thing about using technical terms is always because they require explaining. There is only so much time your salespeople can dedicate to that explanation. Make sure your B2B appointment setting and lead generation processes does not toss them lightly!

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